
Table of Contents

Revised 09/24/2021

Story Line

The Big Decision:

Quick Start:

Deeds & Certificates:

Cash Values:

Maturity or End Values:


The Loan Vault:

Bank Loan Spaces:

Send Kid to College Spaces:

Special Needs Loans:

Bank Loan Interest Rates:

School Loan Interest Rates:

Special Needs Loans:

Business Opportunity Cards:

One of Life's Many Gambles Cards:

End of Game:

Special Board Spaces:

College Space:

Drop Out of College Space:

Stop! College Degree Space:

College Degrees:

Stop! Loan Repayment Window Space:

Bankruptcy Space:

Divorce Space:

Church Donation Spaces:

Tax Relief Cards:

Menu Button:

Investor Key Card:

Game Log Button:

Map Button:

Chat Button:

End of Game:

The Global Ranking System:

Investor Profile:

$10,000 School Loan Agreement:

$10,000 Bank Loan Agreement:

$20,000 Bank Loan Agreement:

$30,000 Bank Loan Agreement:

$40,000 Bank Loan Agreement:

$50,000 Bank Loan Agreement:

$50,000 Special Needs Loan Agreement:

$75,000 Special Needs Loan Agreement:

$100,000 Special Needs Loan Agreement:

TradeBait Global Headquarters:

The TradeBait Corporate Ladder:

Investment Credits:

TradeBait Corporate Hierarchy:


Story Line:

You’ve just graduated from High School and got an offer to join TradeBait® Global Asset Management at their Global Headquarters at 30 Wall Street in New York City’s Financial District. Top

The Big Decision:

Do you… 

Skip College,accept the job offer and take the Business Route? 

Or… Do you go to College, graduate with a degree, and then go to work for TradeBait® Global Asset Management? 

 This is just the first decision that has to be made as you make your way around the board. As a TradeBait® Global Asset Management employee, your goal is to move as high up the corporate ladder as possible. There are 24 Levels beginning at Jr. Apprentice on the 1st floor and rising up through the ranks to become a Chairman/Chairwoman of the Board on the 12th floor.  Top


Quick Start:

You don't have to read these instructions to begin playing. The game has instructions on what to do as you travel along the board. Use these instructions only as a reference point in the event that you just want to get a better understanding of the game.  Top

TradeBait Home Page:


1. Investor Name: Click here to choose a screen name. 

2. Choose How Many Investors: Slide the Yellow Bar to desired amount. This is where you practice playing vs. the Bots. (Bot play is not available at this time. Still working out some glitches)

a. Single vs. Multi-Player: Click Button to decide if you want to invite other players to your game. (*Note: Multi-Player is available but we're working through a few last minute glitches as of this edit)

3. Shuffle Cards: Click here to shuffle the Business Opportunity & the One of Life’s Many Gambles card decks.

4. Investment Credits: This is where you can earn Game Credits. (*Note: Not set up as of this edit)

5. Game Rules: Click here to get instructions on game play. (also available in the Menu drop down box during game play)

6. Global Rankings: Clicking here will bring you to our Leaderboard. See where you measure up vs. other Investors.

7. Chat: Click this button to invite other Investors to your game or just to chat.

8. Menu: Click this button to;

a. Turn Sound Effects On or Off.

b. Turn Game Music On or Off.

c. Go to Global Rankings.

d. Find your Investor Profile.

e. Access our Game Rules.

f. Access our Terms of Service.

g. Access our Privacy Policy.

9. College Route: College Route Investors click on the Gold Card.

10. Business Route: Business Route Investors click on the Green Card. Top

Roll dice to start play.

No need to read any further unless you just like reading instructions.

Deeds & Certificates:

There are 9 different categories of Investments for both the College and Business Routes. 

 1. Oil Well Deeds 

 2. Home Deeds 

 3. Property Deeds 

 4. Company Deeds 

 5. Silver Certificates 

 6. Gold Certificates 

 7. Money Market Certificates 

 8. Preferred Stock Certificates 

 9. Common Stock Certificates 

 Note: Investors taking the College Route will get the Gold Deeds & Certificates. Investors taking the Business Route will get the Green Deeds & Certificates.

 When landing on a Deed or Certificate you have 1 of 3 options. Click: 

 1. Yes (To Buy) 

 2. No (To Pass) or,

 3. TradeBait-If you don’t want to purchase the Investment for yourself, you can offer it up as TradeBait and auction it off to the Highest or Best Bid. (This option is only available if 2 or more Investors are playing) Top

Cash Values:

This is the Value of the Investment if you need to sell it before the end of the game. (This Value is used to determine your Net Worth) Top

Maturity or End Values:

This is the Value of the Investment at the end of the game. (This Value is used to determine your Game Score) Top


To view your investment portfolio, just click on the Folio Image  Top

Click on the X to hide the pop-up window. The Cash Value is the amount you can sell an Investment back to the bank at any given time before you reach the end. (Usually at a lower price than what you paid for it)

Note: The itemized totals are at the bottom of the image.

The Loan Vault:

A $10,000 or $20,000 (Discretionary) Bank Loan can be taken out at any time. (Even if it’s not your turn) Click the Loan icon to open the Loan Vault to take out a Bank Loan or to see how many Loans you already have outstanding.

RULE: You can only have 3 Bank/School Loans in your possession SIMULTANEOUSLY.

(There are 3 exceptions to this rule)

1-Bank Loan Spaces,

2-College Loan Spaces or,

3-Special Needs Loans

*NOTE: Any Loans taken out before landing on the Bankruptcy space will be lost for the remainder of the game. Top

Bank Loan Spaces:





The 1st way of having more than 3 outstanding Bank Loans is when landing on a Bank Loan Space. Here you have the option of taking out a Bank Loan for the amount on the card. (You can also TradeBait it to the Highest or Best Bid by clicking on the TradeBait Logo. Not set up yet in online version as of this edit)

spaces are located on both the College & Business Routes. When landing on these spaces, you have 3 options of taking out a Bank Loan for the amount specified on the pop-up card.

1. Yes,

2. No, or

3. TradeBait  Top

Send Kid to College Spaces:

The 2nd way of having more than 3 Bank Loans outstanding is when landing on a space that tells you to pay $10,000 to send a relative to College.

You have 3 options;

1. Pay the amount in cash (if you have enough),

2. You could click the Borrow/Take Out Loan button and take out a School Loan to pay for it.

3. Sell an Investment (at Cash Value) to pay for it, (Not set up yet in online version as of this edit) or;

Rule: $10,000 School Loans can only be administered by the Bank. Top

Special Needs Loans:

Special Needs Loans:

The 3rd way to have more than 3 Bank Loans in your possession at any one time. This is a special class of High Interest Rate Bank Loans. They can only be taken out after the Investor has reached their (Discretionary) 3 Bank Loan limit.

There are (3) amounts to choose from; $50,000, $75,000 & $100,000.  Top

Bank Loan Interest Rates:

$10,000-Bank Loans-45%

$20,000-Bank Loans-50%

$30,000-Bank Loans-40%

$40,000-Bank Loans-35%

$50,000-Bank Loans-30%.

*Note: See Bank Loan Agreements for more details located in the Fine Print.  Top

School Loan Interest Rates:

School Loans come in only $10,000 denominations.

The Interest Rate for ALL School LOANS is 25%.  Top

$50,000 Special Needs Loans Interest Rates:

$50,000 – The Upfront Interest Rate is 50% with an IMMEDIATE Upfront Interest Charge of $25,000. After passing the Loan Repayment Window, the Interest Rate goes up to 75% or another $12,500. (Total Interest Charges could equal $37,500)

$75,000 – The Upfront Interest Rate is 45% with an IMMEDIATE Upfront Interest Charge of $33,750. After passing the Loan Repayment Window, the Interest Rate goes up to 70% or another $18,750. (Total Interest Charges could equal $52,500)

$100,000 – The Upfront Interest Rate is 40% with an IMMEDIATE Upfront Interest Charge of $40,000. After passing the Loan Repayment Window, the Interest Rate goes up to 60% or another $20,000. (Total Interest Charges could equal $60,000)

*Note: See Special Needs Loan Agreements for more details located in the Fine Print.  Top

Business Opportunity Cards:

When landing on these spaces you MUST draw the Business Opportunity card. Each card has (2) choices on it. You can choose either one of the two choices on these cards. You can also give or sell the rights to these cards to other Investors by clicking on the TradeBait® button. (Only if there are 2 or more Investors in the game) The profit or loss amounts are automatically calculated for you. You can choose whichever option is best for you. (We suggest you view both options before making your final decision)(*NOTE: There is a Tax Relief Card in this deck)  Top

One of Life's Many Gambles Cards:

When landing on these spaces YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DRAW a One of Life’s Many Gambles card. However, if you click yes you have an approximate 50% chance to either Collect or Lose money. (*NOTE: There is a Tax Relief Card in this deck) If you choose not to draw this card you can put the card up on TradeBait® and sell the rights to another Investor. (Only if there are 2 or more Investors in the game) If you click NO the card will turn around and show you what you missed and then be returned to the bottom of the deck. If you say YES and choose this card, the Bank will automatically add the amount to or subtract the amount from your account. If you do not have enough money in your account, you will have to sell something from your Investment Portfolio (at Cash Value) or take out a Bank Loan to satisfy the debt before you can roll again.  Top

End of Game:

When you reach the end of the game you have a decision to make. You can either choose the Red Pill or the Blue Pill. (Just kidding...a little Matrix humor) You can choose to pull either a Business Opportunity or a One of Life’s Many Gambles card.

If there are two or more Investors, whoever reaches the End of the Game first gets a $10,000 bonus from the Bank. (This is not in the online version as of this update) Upon reaching the end Investors must choose either a Business Opportunity or a One of Life’s Many Gambles card. You do not have to roll the exact amount to finish. Play resumes until each Investor has reached the end. Investors that have reached the end can buy, sell & trade with other investors who are still playing. (still working on this in the online version)

When your Certificate pops, up click on the save button to save it to your Investor Profile page. It will save both the Certificate and the Game Stats so you will always be able to refer back to this game. (You can share it with your friends or your social media page after you save it) Game Score:

Your Game Score will be automatically calculated for you at the end of the game. The game is not over until all Investors have crossed the finish line. (In multiplayer games) You can still wheel and deal with other Investors still playing, even after you have finished the game.  Top

Special Board Spaces:

The following instructions describe special spaces that are found on the board, and you can refer back here if you land on them.  Top

Go to College Space:

(Or College Drop In) This space is located on the Business Route. (Story line; When landing here you decide to go to College after getting assurances from your TradeBait manager that you will have a job when you graduate) You will now Finish the game on the College Route. You will also be required to take out a School Loan for $10,000.  Top

Drop Out of College Space:

(Or College Drop Out) This space is located on the College Route. (Story line; When landing here you decide to drop out of college and go to work for TradeBait® Global Asset Management) You will now Finish the game on the Business Route. You will be reimbursed $5,000 for the unused portion of your School Loan. However, you still are responsible for paying off the original $10,000 School Loan.  Top

Stop! College Degree Space:

This space is located on the College Route. You are required to stop here ending your turn. This is where you select a College Degree. (Business, Medical, Engineering or Law) These degrees have no Cash, Ending or Maturity Values and cannot be sold or traded to other Investors. Continue playing on your next turn.  Top

College Degrees:

There are 4 College Degree categories. These degrees have no Cash, Ending or Maturity Values and cannot be sold or traded to other Investors.




Law  Top

STOP! Loan Repayment Window:

These spaces are located on both the College & Business Routes. You are required to STOP here ending your turn. This is your last chance for you to pay off your Bank or School Loans without incurring any Interest Charges. Pay only the Principal amount of the loan at this time. Continue playing on your next turn.

(See Special Needs Loans for their pay off criteria)  Top

Bankruptcy Space:

This space is located on the Business Route. When landing here you must return everything back to the Bank. (This will be automatically done in the online version) This includes all Deeds, Certificates, Bank & School Loans. At this point you have no debts or assets, but you can continue playing on your next turn.


Divorce Space:

This space is located on both the College & Business Routes. When landing here you have (2) choices.

Uncontested Divorce:

Total up all Cash and the Cash Values of all Deeds & Certificates in your possession and return one half of that amount to the bank. (This will automatically be done for you in the online version by clicking the 1/2 Lose button.)

Contested Divorce:

Click on the Roll button and you can roll the dice again. If you roll.

a. Evens: Keep everything and continue playing on your next turn.

b. Odds: Lose everything. (Bank & School Loans are not included and still must be paid off by the end of the game) Continue playing on your next turn.  Top

Church Donation Spaces:

These spaces are located on both the College & Business Routes.

When landing on these spaces you have 3 options of donating the amount specified to your place of worship.

1. Yes

2. No

3. TradeBait®

If you decide to donate you will receive a Church Donation ($2,000 or $5,000) receipt. (In the online version you can view it in your Folio. You can also view it in your Investor Key Card where it will show you the total amount of all your donations) These receipts have no Cash, Ending or Maturity Values, but can be purchased, traded or sold to other Investors. (Trading in these cards has not been added in the online version as of this update)  Top

Tax Relief Cards:

You have 3 choices when given the opportunity to purchase one of these cards.

1. Yes

2. No

3. TradeBait®

One of these cards is found in the Business Opportunity deck and the other is found in the One of Life’s Many Gambles deck. If you have this card in your possession, you are exempt from paying any taxes when landing on those spaces where taxes are due.

*NOTE: These cards are only found in the Business Opportunity & One of Life's Many Gambles decks.  Top

• This button is where you can turn the Sounds Effects & Music on or off.

• You can also view how you rank vs. other Investors by viewing our Global Rankings link.

• The Investor Profile link is where you can look at all of your Certificates (that were saved) and the Game Stats that go along with each Certificate.

• TradeBait® Corporate Hierarchy: See where you fit in on our company’s Organizational Chart.

• The Investment Credits link where you can view how many credits you have. (Not set up as of this update)

• Review the rules using the Game Rules link.

• The Terms of Service and Privacy Policy information is also found here. Top

Investor Key Card:

Here’s where all of your important game information is at a glance. See below;

• Investor Screen Name.

• Investor Cash on Hand.

• Percentage of Game Played.

• Game Time.

• Route chosen.

• Bank/School Loans Outstanding.

• Special Needs Loans Outstanding.

• Total Amount of Church Donations.

• College Degree chosen (College Route only)

• Tax Relief Card (If purchased)

• Investor Net Worth: This is what you OWN vs. what you OWE right now. (this calculation totals up all of the Cash Values)

• Game Score: This is your End of the Game Score right now (this calculation totals up all of the Ending & Maturity Values if the game ended right now) Top

Game Log Button:

All of the moves of the game are logged here. You can go back and look at a former move. Top

Map Button:

Click on the Map button to see how well you're doing vs. the other Investors you're playing against. This will be very instrumental in competitive situations. (*NOTE: This doesn't show all the Investor Key Card information as of this update)  Top

Chat Button:

Click on the Chat button to chat or to send messages to other Investors. This is not completely set up as of this update.  Top

The Global Ranking System:

This is where you go to see how you compare with other Investors head-to-head in a multitude of different categories. This is TGRS or The Tigers.  Top

Investor Profile:

Click on the Menu button and go to Investor Profile. This shows your highest score of TradeBait® along with the Game Stats for that game. It shows every Certificate that you saved also. Scroll through your saved Certificates and click on the one you wish to review.  Top

$10,000 School Loan Agreement:

The $10,000 SCHOOL LOAN Interest Rate is only 25%! Pay the $10,000 Principal amount ONLY if paying ON or BEFORE the LOAN REPAYMENT WINDOW. The Principle & Interest Charges of $12,500 only accrue after passing this window and are due and payable at the end of the game. What??? You think our rates are too high? Remember, this is just a game, and we can charge whatever we want. Plus… you didn’t even put up any collateral… and it’s not even real money! We know what you’re thinking, we did say “it’s not a game…it’s serious business!” didn’t we? Ok…we’ll concede you that point. Seriously though, are you really still reading this? Now, you’re just forcing us to make up something to write in this space. To make it seem like the fine print is really saying something that’s important, aren’t you? For your information we could have just used Loren Ipsum. That would have given us an easy way out instead of actually writing something. Ok…since you’re still reading this, we kind of feel obligated to reward you for it. So here’s a tip for you; Donating money to the Church is an extremely wise Investment decision. Not enough? Ok, here’s another tip; Buy early and Buy often because Investments will only get more expensive as you work your way around the board. Hope that makes it worth the time you spent reading the Fine Print. Thank you and we sincerely hope that you enjoy playing our game.  Top

$10,000 Bank Loan Agreement::

The $10,000 BANK LOAN Interest Rate is only 45%! Pay the $10,000 Principal amount ONLY if paying ON or BEFORE the LOAN REPAYMENT WINDOW. The Principle & Interest Charges of $14,500 only accrue after passing this window and are due and payable at the end of the game. What??? You think our rates are too high? Remember, this is just a game, and we can charge whatever we want. Plus… you didn’t even put up any collateral… and it’s not even real money! We know what you’re thinking, we did say “it’s not a game…it’s serious business!” didn’t we? Ok…we’ll concede you that point. Seriously though, are you really still reading this? Now, you’re just forcing us to make up something to write in this space. To make it seem like the fine print is really saying something that’s important, aren’t you? For your information we could have just used Loren Ipsum. That would have given us an easy way out instead of actually writing something. Ok…since you’re still reading this, we kind of feel obligated to reward you for it. So here’s a tip for you; Donating money to the Church is an extremely wise Investment decision. Not enough? Ok, here’s another tip; Buy early and Buy often because Investments will only get more expensive as you work your way around the board. Hope that makes it worth the time you spent reading the Fine Print. Thank you and we sincerely hope that you enjoy playing our game.  Top

$20,000 Bank Loan Agreement:

The $20,000 BANK LOAN Interest Rate is only 50%! Pay the $20,000 Principal amount ONLY if paying ON or BEFORE the LOAN REPAYMENT WINDOW. The Principle & Interest Charges of $30,000 only accrue after passing this window and are due and payable at the end of the game. What??? You think our rates are too high? Remember, this is just a game, and we can charge whatever we want. Plus… you didn’t even put up any collateral… and it’s not even real money! We know what you’re thinking, we did say “it’s not a game…it’s serious business!” didn’t we? Ok…we’ll concede you that point. Seriously though, are you really still reading this? Now, you’re just forcing us to make up something to write in this space. To make it seem like the fine print is really saying something that’s important, aren’t you? For your information we could have just used Loren Ipsum. That would have given us an easy way out instead of actually writing something. Ok…since you’re still reading this, we kind of feel obligated to reward you for it. So, here’s a tip for you; Donating money to the Church is an extremely wise Investment decision. Not enough? Ok, here’s another tip; Buy early and Buy often because Investments will only get more expensive as you work your way around the board. Hope that makes it worth the time you spent reading the Fine Print. Thank you and we sincerely hope that you enjoy playing our game.  Top

$30,000 Bank Loan Agreement:

The $30,000 BANK LOAN Interest Rate is only 40%! Pay the $30,000 Principal amount ONLY if paying ON or BEFORE the LOAN REPAYMENT WINDOW. The Principle & Interest Charges of $42,000 only accrue after passing this window and are due and payable at the end of the game. What??? You think our rates are too high? Remember, this is just a game, and we can charge whatever we want. Plus… you didn’t even put up any collateral… and it’s not even real money! We know what you’re thinking, we did say “it’s not a game…it’s serious business!” didn’t we? Ok…we’ll concede you that point. Seriously though, are you really still reading this? Now, you’re just forcing us to make up something to write in this space. To make it seem like the fine print is really saying something that’s important, aren’t you? For your information we could have just used Loren Ipsum. That would have given us an easy way out instead of actually writing something. Ok…since you’re still reading this, we kind of feel obligated to reward you for it. So, here’s a tip for you; Donating money to the Church is an extremely wise Investment decision. Not enough? Ok, here’s another tip; Buy early and Buy often because Investments will only get more expensive as you work your way around the board. Hope that makes it worth the time you spent reading the Fine Print. Thank you and we sincerely hope that you enjoy playing our game.  Top

$40,000 Bank Loan Agreement:

The $40,000 BANK LOAN Interest Rate is only 35%! Pay the $40,000 Principal amount ONLY if paying ON or BEFORE the LOAN REPAYMENT WINDOW. The Principle & Interest Charges of $54,000 only accrue after passing this window and are due and payable at the end of the game. What??? You think our rates are too high? Remember, this is just a game, and we can charge whatever we want. Plus… you didn’t even put up any collateral… and it’s not even real money! We know what you’re thinking, we did say “it’s not a game…it’s serious business!” didn’t we? Ok…we’ll concede you that point. Seriously though, are you really still reading this? Now, you’re just forcing us to make up something to write in this space. To make it seem like the fine print is really saying something that’s important, aren’t you? For your information we could have just used Loren Ipsum. That would have given us an easy way out instead of actually writing something. Ok…since you’re still reading this, we kind of feel obligated to reward you for it. So, here’s a tip for you; Donating money to the Church is an extremely wise Investment decision. Not enough? Ok, here’s another tip; Buy early and Buy often because Investments will only get more expensive as you work your way around the board. Hope that makes it worth the time you spent reading the Fine Print. Thank you and we sincerely hope that you enjoy playing our game.  Top

$50,000 Bank Loan Agreement:

The $50,000 BANK LOAN Interest Rate is only 30%! Pay the $50,000 Principal amount ONLY if paying ON or BEFORE the LOAN REPAYMENT WINDOW. The Principle & Interest Charges of $65,000 only accrue after passing this window and are due and payable at the end of the game. What??? You think our rates are too high? Remember, this is just a game, and we can charge whatever we want. Plus… you didn’t even put up any collateral… and it’s not even real money! We know what you’re thinking, we did say “it’s not a game…it’s serious business!” didn’t we? Ok…we’ll concede you that point. Seriously though, are you really still reading this? Now, you’re just forcing us to make up something to write in this space. To make it seem like the fine print is really saying something that’s important, aren’t you? For your information we could have just used Loren Ipsum. That would have given us an easy way out instead of actually writing something. Ok…since you’re still reading this, we kind of feel obligated to reward you for it. So, here’s a tip for you; Donating money to the Church is an extremely wise Investment decision. Not enough? Ok, here’s another tip; Buy early and Buy often because Investments will only get more expensive as you work your way around the board. Hope that makes it worth the time you spent reading the Fine Print. Thank you and we sincerely hope that you enjoy playing our game.  Top

$50,000 Special Needs Loan Agreement:

$50,000 Special Needs Loan Agreement

These Special Needs Loans are available to those Investors who are having financial difficulties and need a quick cash injection to continue playing or, to avoid Bankruptcy and an early exit from the game. We have anticipated your financial needs and have created a special class of Loans just for you. But make no mistake about it, these Bank Loans come with some very serious strings attached. The rate is 50% and there is an immediate Interest Charge of $25,000 attached to this Loan. As soon as you click yes, you owe us $75,000. And, if you decide to keep this Loan in your possession after you pass the LOAN REPAYMENT WINDOW, your Interest Rate will go up to 75% and your Interest Charges will total $37,500. Therefore, on a $50,000 Loan you will owe us $87,500 at the end of the game. As your primary Banker we will be very happy to assist you with obtaining this Loan but, you may want to think long and hard before deciding to accept our Loan Terms. Top

$75,000 Special Needs Loan Agreement:

$75,000 Special Needs Loan Agreement

These Special Needs Loans are available to those Investors who are having financial difficulties and need a quick cash injection to continue playing or, to avoid Bankruptcy and an early exit from the game. We have anticipated your financial needs and have created a special class of Loans just for you. But make no mistake about it, these Bank Loans come with some very serious strings attached. The rate is 45% and there is an immediate Interest Charge of $33,750 attached to this Loan. As soon as you click yes, you owe us $108,750. And, if you decide to keep this Loan in your possession after you pass the LOAN REPAYMENT WINDOW, your Interest Rate will go up to 70% and your Interest Charges will total $52,500. Therefore, on a $75,000 Loan you will owe us $127,500 at the end of the game. As your primary Banker we will be very happy to assist you with obtaining this Loan but, you may want to think long and hard before deciding to accept our Loan Terms. Top

$100,000 Special Needs Loan Agreement:

$100,000 Special Needs Loan Agreement

These Special Needs Loans are available to those Investors who are having financial difficulties and need a quick cash injection to continue playing or, to avoid Bankruptcy and an early exit from the game. We have anticipated your financial needs and have created a special class of Loans just for you. But make no mistake about it, these Bank Loans come with some very serious strings attached. The rate is 40% and there is an immediate Interest Charge of $40,000 attached to this Loan. As soon as you click yes, you owe us $140,000. And, if you decide to keep this Loan in your possession after you pass the LOAN REPAYMENT WINDOW, your Interest Rate will go up to 60% and your Interest Charges will total $60,000. Therefore, on a $100,000 Loan you will owe us $160,000 at the end of the game. As your primary Banker we will be very happy to assist you with obtaining this Loan but, you may want to think long and hard before deciding to accept our Loan Terms. Top

TradeBait Global Headquarters:

30 Wall Street, New York, NY 10005

*Note: TradeBait® Global Asset Management is a fictional company but we’re using an actual Wall Street address. There is no connection between us and the building’s owners.  Top

TradeBait Corporate Hierarchy:

The TradeBait Organizational Flow Chart below gives you a visual idea of who reports to who and the dollar amount needed to work your way up the TradeBait Corporate Ladder. There are 12 floors at TradeBait's Global Headquarters at 30 Wall Street in New York's Financial District, and each floor has 2 suites for a total of 24 Levels.

The TradeBait Corporate Ladder:

*NOTE: The Apprenticeship Suites are all less than $0.00

1st, Floor: Apprenticeship Suites

Less than Negative 50K Jr. Apprentices

2nd Floor: Apprenticeship Suites

Less than Negative 25K Apprentices

3rd Floor: Apprenticeship Suites

Less than Zero $0K Sr. Apprentices

4th Floor: Intern’s Suites

$0K-Jr. Interns

$25K Sr. Interns

5th Floor: Analyst’s Suites

$50K Jr. Analysts

$75K Sr. Analysts

6th Floor: Associate’s Suites

$100K Jr. Associates

$125K Sr. Associates

7th Floor: Investment Banker’s Suites

$150K Leveraged Buy Out Specialists

$175K Mergers & Acquisitions Specialists

8th Floor: President’s Suites

$200K Vice Presidents

$225K Sr. Vice Presidents

9th Floor: Director’s Suites

$250K Executive Directors

$275K Managing Directors

10th Floor: C-Suite’s Suites

$300K Chief Compliance Officers

$325K Chief Technology Officers

$350K Chief Operating Officers

$375K Chief Financial Officers

$400K Chief Executive Officers

11th Floor: Partner’s Suites

$425 Executive Partners

$450K Managing Partners

$475K General Partners

12th Floor: Masters of the Universe Suites

$500K Chairman

$500K Chairwoman  Top

Investment Credits:

The Investment Credit System is not available as of this update.

*NOTE: The Apprenticeship Suites are all less than $0.

Less than negative $50K Apprentice’s Bonus-$0

Less than Negative $25K Jr. Apprentice’s Bonus-$375 (.05)

Less than $0K Sr. Apprentice’s Bonus-$750 (.10)

$0K Jr. Intern’s Bonus-$1,500 (.20)

$25K Sr. Intern’s Bonus-$1,875 (.25)

$50K Jr. Analyst’s Bonus-$3,750 (.5)

$75K Sr. Analyst’s Bonus-$7,500 (1)

$100K Jr. Associate’s Bonus-$15,000 (2)

$125K Sr. Associate’s Bonus-$22,500 (3)

$150K Leveraged Buy Out Specialist’s Bonus-$30,000 (4)

$175K Mergers & Acquisition Specialist’s Bonus-$37,500 (5)

$200K Vice President’s Bonus-$45,000 (6)

$225K Sr. Vice President’s Bonus-$52,500 (7)

$250K Executive Director’s Bonus-$60,000 (8)

$275 Managing Director’s Bonus-$67,500 (9)

$300K Chief Compliance Officer’s Bonus-$75,000 (10)

$325K Chief Technology Officer’s Bonus-$82,500 (11)

$350K Chief Operating Officer’s Bonus-$90,000 (12)

$375K Chief Financial Officer’s Bonus-$97,500 (13)

$400K Chief Executive Officer’s Bonus-$105,000 (14)

$425K Executive Partner’s Bonus-$112,500 (15)

$450K Managing Partners Bonus-$120,000 (16)

$475K General Partner’s Bonus-$127,500 (17)

$500K Chairman’s Bonus-$150,000 (20)

$500K Chairwoman’s Bonus-$150,000 (20)  Top


We’d like to thank all of our friends down throughout the years who inspired us to keep going. There are way to many to list here but we would just like to say thank you so very much from the bottom of our hearts. < Top/p>

Investment Partners:

Margo Woods

Esther L. Perry

Elliott Lindsey

Carol Stokes

Jackie “Jai” Hinson

Shirley Hunter

Evangeline Cancel

Creative Partners:

Kateryna Pereiaslavska

App Developer:

Media4 - CG and Game Developer Studio:

Team members:

Liubov Shamshuro - Media4 Digital Marketing Specialist

Boban Nedeljkovic - Tech Director and Coder

Marko Spasojevic - Game Artist and Project Manager

ETT - Executive Training Technologies

Team members:

Justin Pearson - President

Paramjot Singh - Project Manager

Safwan Paleri - Lead Game Developer

Special Thanks To:

Providence College

Georgia Tech University

Act 1 Composition

Image Setters

Tara Wilbanks

Lana Williams

Robert Albert Printing

Gulf Packaging

Girls Inc., Largo, FL

And a very special thank you to the Stevens Home for Boys, Swansea, MA.

In Loving Memory:

Charles H. & Edeith B. & Ann Rembert;

Gwendolyn Lewis Johnson;

Wayne S. Armstead. Top


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